Advanced Senet Rules

At the beginning of the game the seven pawns per player alternate along the 10 first squares.

Ø  The starting square is counted as the 11th. In the oldest games this square featured an ankh, a "life" symbol. The pawns move according to the throw of four sticks 1 point for each side without a mark and 5 points if the four marked sides were present together.

When a pawn reached a square already occupied by an opponent pawn, they have to exchange their positions.


Ø  Pawns are moved according to the rules below:

1.         In each turn one pawn can be moved according to the rolled value.

2.         Pawns can jump over other pawns.

3.         One house can only have one pawn.

4.         Player cannot move his/her pawn to a house already occupied by his/her own pawn. Player can move pawn to a house occupied by opponent's pawn, In this case both pawns simply exchange their house meaning player takes opponent's house and opponent goes back to player's house.

5.         Pawns can be borne off the board from one of the four houses (26 - House of Happiness, 28 - House of the ThreeTruths,29-House of Re-Atoum,30 - House of Dice-one)

6.         Pawns are safe in some specific scenarios or if it is in a safe house and opposition pawn cannot exchange house with it. House No 15, 26, 28, and 29 are safe houses. House No 30 is not a safe house.

7.         Two or more connecting pawns of same player are safe. Pawns can connect in two rows in increasing house sequence.

8.         Three of more connecting pawns from the same player in one row makes a blockade. A blockade cannot be jumped over by opponent's pawn. Player can jump over his/her own blockade.

9.         If a move is possible then player must make the move.

10.      If no move is possible, then player simply forfeits his/her turn.


Ø  The special squares have the following effects on play

15 : House of Rebirth, starting square and the return square for the pawns reaching square number 27.

26 : House of Happiness, all pawns finish a move here, even if they threw enough to move past it.

27: House of Water, any pawn finishing a move on this square must go back to The House of Rebirth.

28 : House of the Three Truths, a pawn landing here may only leave the board if a three is thrown.

29 : House of the Re-Atoum, a pawn landing here may only leave the board if a two is thrown

30 : House of Dice-one, a pawn in this house can only leave with a roll of one.( If it is replaced at 30, go back to 27, then back to 15)

Ø  The winner is the first to move all their pawns off the board (past square 30)

(Yellow highlight are our especially changes of the rule)


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